Month: June 2020

Girls mental health capture

Girls’ struggling with mental health issues

A new UK study reveals 40% of girls aged 14 to 21 experienced a deterioration in their mental health due to COVID-19 lockdowns. The Alliance of Girls’ Schools Australasia (AGSA) and our Head of Wellbeing, Mrs Amber Sowden talk to The Educator about what proactive steps can be taken.

Every record scott's banner

What is of every record?

If history was rewritten what would it say? There are numerous discussions taking place about history and the portrayal in our society at present. Our Head of Humanities writes an interesting blog about the representation of history. One that will leave you questioning and thinking about what would you portray. #unstoppablethinking #girlsunstoppable

Award winning magazine

Award Winning Magazine

Global recognition for Strathcona’s Strathcourier magazine! Strathcona is proud and excited to announce the Strathcourier has received a silver medal from the Council for Advancement and Support Education (CASE).

Envision extraordinary women

“You can’t be what you can’t see”.

“A person whose journey serves as a compass, a sounding board, someone to cut through the white noise and minutiae. Mentoring must be an active and meaningful process – based in an authentic context relevant for young people.” TC Envision enables this as highlighted by Head of Tay Creggan Mrs Karyn Murray in her blog.

Education awards finalist

Finalist in 3 Educator Awards

Strathcona is proud to be named a finalist in three categories for the Australian Educator Awards: Innovation in Curriculum Design, Best Stem Program and Best Use of Technology. We empower students to create, not only consume, technology enabling them input into their future world.