What will work places look like in 2029?

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Kenneth Kong, Head of Strategy and Portfolio at BP will be our guest speaker. Kenneth will speak about his work at BP and what that means for careers in the future and the skills and capabilities required.

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Kenneth Kong, Head of Strategy and Portfolio at BP will be our guest speaker. Kenneth will speak about his work at BP and what that means for careers in the future and the skills and capabilities required.
The Strathcona Centre for Learning Futures (SCLF) is an initiative to prepare for the future of work. Work places of 2029 will look very different to work places of 2019. Strathcona recognises the challenge of equipping our young women with the skills and opportunities needed for exciting careers in this emerging new landscape. SCLF brings together students, teachers and parents to connect with future focused thinkers to help prepare for the journey ahead. The sharing of ideas, learning and experiences will take place in a variety of formats, including panels, speakers, seminars, and collaborative discussions.
Please click here to RSVP your place at this exciting event.