Parent Seminar: Identifying your daughter’s learning strengths

Identifying daughter strengths
Join us as guest speaker Andrew Fuller, Clinical Psychologist assist parents with practical strategies to assist your daughter to identify her learning strengths.

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Daughter strength seminar

Monday 2 March, 7pm-8.30pm
Guest Speaker: Andrew Fuller, Clinical Psychologist

By assisting your daughter to identify her learning strengths, she’ll be able to capitalise on areas where she is strong and build these into powerful areas of expertise. Learning how to use learning strength areas to increase performance takes some planning but the outcomes are large. When students and parents know the learning strengths and areas yet to be developed, they are better equipped to work with teachers to prioritise learning strategies over the next term or semester. The reduction in performance disabling anxiety is also substantial. Andrew will assist parents with practical strategies.

To be held in Featherstone Hall, Senior School Campus, 34 Scott Street, Canterbury

To register for this seminar, please visit