Daughter's future alum

Imagine Your Daughter’s Future


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Strathcona is keenly focused on life beyond school, and the various paths our girls will take as they advance into exciting and rewarding careers. Our multi-faceted careers program, complemented by the Strathcona Centre for Learning Futures, helps ensure students take the path best suited to their ambitions.

The work environment of tomorrow will be vastly different from what it is today, just as today’s environment is different from even ten years ago. Success will not be judged by an ATAR score in a world where the only certainty is uncertainty. The Strathcona Centre for Learning Futures asks the question “what will be useful for our girls in ten years’ time and beyond?” What careers will be available? What skills will be valued? How can we identify and develop those skills? How does a student remain empowered after Year 12? These are the kinds of questions we aim to address. But because nobody can know the future, we’ve turned to the next best thing — the thought leaders in our community whose research and real-world experience can shape the way parents, educators and students prepare for tomorrow’s world.

Centre for learning futures
Daughter's future speaker

Throughout the year, the Strathcona Centre for Learning Futures will present four events, each tackling a different topic. Our first event, Energy, Future, You, deals not only with the challenges of a world struggling with how it powers itself, but also how we manage our personal reserves of
energy with a view to having as full and rewarding a life — and career — as possible.

“The Strathcona Centre for Learning Futures expands student thinking beyond the jobs they know to the careers of the future.”
Senior Dean of Learning Futures

We welcome everyone to attend our Strathcona Centre for Learning Future events. To book your place follow the link to the events page.