Strathcona girls crack the code

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Published In the Progress Leader 16 October 2018, page 5

Three students from Strathcona Baptist Girls Grammar are in the top two percent of the country for their skills in coding and computer science.

A total of 23 students from the esteemed school
participated in the National Computer Science School
challenge — a five-week competition testing coding
and computer science skills. Three students achieved
perfect scores, placing them in the top two percent
out of 18,918 students who competed.

Strathcona Baptist Girls Grammar head of digital
learning and innovation Michelle Dennis said she was
“incredibly proud” of the students.
“The girls worked with me during their Monday
lunchtimes so they dedicated a lot of time outside of
class,” she said.

“Technology is going to change in every career so these skills help you understanding programming, but beyond that logical thinking and problem-solving.”

Strathcona students Katherine, Mahalakshme, Shin Yi and Caitlin all aced a coding competition.

Picture: Penny Stephens

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