Preparing for the new school year

strath back to school

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We like to think Strathcona is a second home for all of our students. It’s a place for them to feel safe, valued, respected, stimulated and happy. As the summer break draws to an end, here are some tips to make the first day back at school a success for your daughter. We have written these tips particularly with younger students in mind who may not yet feel as comfortable with the impending first day as their more senior schoolmates.

Reinforce that your daughter will be surrounded by support

Our teachers work hard over the holidays preparing for their students’ first day. As your daughter enters her new classroom for the first time, reassure her that her teacher is ready, excited and eager to get the year off to a positive, stimulating and fun way.

Starting a new school year can be an exciting time, but it’s also normal to feel a little anxious. Let your daughter know that you understand how she is feeling, that many of her friends will be feeling the same way too, and that her teacher is well prepared to support her in a wonderful first day.

Be clear on your new routine

Make sure your daughter knows your drop off and pick up routines. It is important that she knows how she will get to school to school and where you will meet her at the end of the school day.

At Strathcona, we have a fruit snack mid morning and at recess and lunchtime. Talk to your daughter about what she would like to include in her daily lunchbox, to ensure she is happy to eat what has been sent to school for the day. A drink bottles in class is also encouraged during the warmer months to ensure she is well hydrated.

Setting up regular home routines including bedtime and wake-up routines can make the first few days easier. After school activities and homework routines can follow shortly after.

Accentuate the positives

Talk about a new year providing many new opportunities to try new things and make new friends.

Alleviate any possible stress by having your daughter try on her school uniform and shoes before her first day. This will avoid the awful scenario of waking up to find out that she has grown out of her uniform over the holidays. Some time spent wearing in new school shoes is also a good idea. Organise a playdate with other girls from the class before the first day of school. This can help your daughter’s feeling of connectedness as she prepares for her first day.

Show excitement and enthusiasm about your daughter starting school. Reassure her that school is an exciting and fun place.

Preparing and naming new school books and stationary with your daughter is a good way to generate excitement about the year ahead.

Reading books with a school theme or a character being brave can also support you to help generate positive thoughts about school and while encouraging resilience.

You have our support

Strathcona teachers look forward to, and encourage strong partnerships with our parents. From the first day, a relationship is established that ensures her emotional, social, and academic needs are known and strategies put in place to guide her learning and progress.

Our teachers genuinely care for their students and a successful, happy and fun start to the new year is a priority. In the first week, we encourage you to talk with your daughter’s new teacher if you have any concerns or questions.

A new year can be daunting for both you and your daughter. For staff and teachers at Strathcona, the energy and excitement this time of year generates provides us fuel to power our days and provide momentum that will carry well into what we know will be a fantastic year of learning and development.

We can’t wait to start the journey together with you and your daughters.