Petalyn Walker

Middle school comparing texts

Engaging the Middle School in Comparing Texts

Published article: Engaging the Middle School in Comparing Texts: A creative approach to The Giver/The Truman Show, and When Michael Met Mina/Freedom Stories   When we think of ‘The Middle Years,’ we think of enriching the lives of young people with innovative pedagogy, creative engagement and development of life long skills. We also need to …

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Strathcona Year 7 coordinator

Meet our Year 7 Coordinator

” Life is here for the taking, and it is up to you to challenge yourselves, take on board opportunities, and see where they may lead you,” is sound advice from our Year 7 coordinator, Mrs Ward.

year 5 student

Program gives Year 5 girls ‘emotional toolkit of skills’

Social Tuesdays provides a nurturing classroom environment. Our perspective is that all students are open to having an opinion, and even if they are nervous, their contribution is highly valued. As a result of our focus on Emotional Intelligence through Social Tuesdays, we have also observed our students as a group are more cohesive and there has been a significant increase in collaboration.

gilbert house

Meet Head of Gilbert

“Always keep learning” is the message from Head of Gilbert House, Ms Mary Ann Oakley. Growth mindset is essential to the future of work and something Strathcona instills in its students.

findlay house banner

Meet the Head of Findlay

To be kind and to care. Kind to themselves, the environment and to others. Care for themselves both physically and mentally and then care for others where possible,” is sound advice from Head of Findlay Miss Rebecca Kerr.

arnold house banner

Meet our Head of Arnold

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” -Ferris Bueller

This is one of Mr Scott Pannam favourite quotes. As Head of Arnold House and a long standing Strathcona English teacher he has great appreciation for the ‘moments’ in life. He cherishes working with adolescents and the joy they bring to life. 

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Meet our Head of Grenfell

A passion for literacy and a commitment to youth wellbeing might best describe Mrs Lucinda Thom our Head of Grenfell. Having been in pastoral care positions for 14 years, Lucinda has a deep understanding on how to empower our students in an increasingly complex world.