
Girls Unstoppable Podcast

Inspiring girls and women to become unstoppable. This is what Girls Unstoppable is about. Hear topics that the younger generation of girls want to unpack – from the juggle of career and motherhood to self-care and so much more. Empowering you to overcome opposition of everyday life to become unstoppable. #girlsunstoppable

Year 9 English: how explicit teaching of metalanguage and a Reading Journal improved analytical writing

“Those of us on the inside know its special joy: the precious window of opportunity between the self-doubting, oft-misdirected energies of the junior secondary years and the aspirational anxiety of VCE. Every ancient culture knew that this is the time for initiation
into adulthood and, indeed, this is also our lived experience in the classroom.” write teachers Mrs Katrina Renard and Mrs Cathie Waldron in Idiom magazine highlighting the delight and fulfillment of teaching Year 9.

Education awards finalist

Finalist in 3 Educator Awards

Strathcona is proud to be named a finalist in three categories for the Australian Educator Awards: Innovation in Curriculum Design, Best Stem Program and Best Use of Technology. We empower students to create, not only consume, technology enabling them input into their future world.

When History finds you journal

When history finds you

“2020 will be a story that will be part of all our life histories. While we do not have the comfort of knowing exactly what will come next, and there is no back to normal on the immediate horizon, we can focus on the silver linings and the hope for things to be better, improved and more meaningful.” Head of Students – Pastoral and Wellbeing, Mrs Lucinda Thom reflects on the impact of isolation.

The Future of Education

The Future of Education

Tina Funder from Work like a Motherfather talks to our Principal, Mrs Marise McConaghy, about how Strathcona prepares the next generation of leaders to grow and thrive, COVID-19 impacts, pivoting and what she thinks the future of learning looks like. #girlsunstoppable #unstoppableleader