Generations, Young People and the Future of Work

Centre for Learning Futures
Join us as Associate Professor Hernan Cuervo analyses what kind of future young people can expect. Drawing on two-decades of research he will also explore myths and facts about the new employment landscape.

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Youth and future of work

Strathcona Centre for Learning Futures presents Generations, Young People and the Future of Work with guest speaker Associate Professor Hernan Cuervo from Melbourne Graduate School of Education and Deputy Director of the Young Research Centre, the University of Melbourne.

Tuesday 26 May, 5.30pm, online seminar

Associate Professor Hernan Cuervo asks the question: “How can we create a future that works for young people?”
Current young Australians are the most educated generation ever, yet young people are finding it increasingly difficult to link education and work. This presentation will analyse what kind of future young people can expect. Drawing on two-decades of research it will also explore myths and facts about the new employment landscape. The experiences of generations X and Y, and fresh data about the automation of how work opens a door into the present and future of youth in Australia and what kind of futures are available to them.

As we are not able to hold this on school grounds, the seminar will be held online. So please register your details on Trybooking and we will email you the details closer to the date.

See event here.