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10 Tips to Support Your Child’s Well being and Keep Them Motivated During COVID-19
COVID-19 has presented huge challenges for us all, and sadly our kids aren’t immune from the stresses it’s created. Between an incredibly disrupted school year, learning from home, missing friends, and not being able to do a lot of their regular extra-curricular activities, the pandemic has been tough on kids everywhere. It’s not surprising then that their motivation and general wellbeing can fluctuate.
Fortunately, there are a number of simple things you can do help maintain your child’s wellbeing, and keep them happy, healthy and on task during this tricky time.
Girls Unstoppable Podcast
Inspiring girls and women to become unstoppable. This is what Girls Unstoppable is about. Hear topics that the younger generation of girls want to unpack – from the juggle of career and motherhood to self-care and so much more. Empowering you to overcome opposition of everyday life to become unstoppable. #girlsunstoppable
Year 9 English: how explicit teaching of metalanguage and a Reading Journal improved analytical writing
“Those of us on the inside know its special joy: the precious window of opportunity between the self-doubting, oft-misdirected energies of the junior secondary years and the aspirational anxiety of VCE. Every ancient culture knew that this is the time for initiation
into adulthood and, indeed, this is also our lived experience in the classroom.” write teachers Mrs Katrina Renard and Mrs Cathie Waldron in Idiom magazine highlighting the delight and fulfillment of teaching Year 9.
The groupwork dilemma: facilitating team challenges in the middle years during remote learning
“Over this period of remote learning in Term 2, 2020, a teaching and learning experience that none of us will ever forget, we have been asked to undergo education and all that we know in reverse, and from the end of a
virtual platform.” English Teachers Mrs Rhiannon Ward and Mrs Miranda Gazis write in Idiom.
When the journey itself is an education
“For us, it’s about what we can do as teachers -facilitating learning and helping them when challenges arise,” Director of Early Learning Centre, Mrs Jo Dowling says. “But, equally, understanding they are exceptionally capable of making decisions.
Kids want more fun in financial literacy – survey
“Teaching financial literacy in the classroom is one promising way to improve the financial capacity of young women today. Equally, we encourage our students to talk about money with their parents at home”. says Head of Careers, Mrs Joanne Buckley.
Open House Melbourne virtual tour of Tay Creggan
Take a virtual tour of the magnificent building Tay Creggan and learn about its interesting history. You can also take a tour of Tay Creggan in Minecraft or download the TC Minecraft world and explore on your own in Minecraft. Additionally, listen to the TC Envision webinar with the League of Extraordinary Women or listen to mini lessons of food technology, science or drama.
The Survival of the Arts
“The Comedy Festival has always ushered in the beginning of Autumn, and its cancellation two weeks before opening signaled something far more ominous for the arts community. At a time when Australians desperately needed to laugh, the cancellation of one of the world’s largest comedy festivals brought the impact of Covid-19 home…” writes our Director of Productions, Mrs Claire Johns.
Schools interrupted, have learnt valuable lessons
‘…we can’t waste this opportunity to analyse and discuss which systems and practices embraced during this period actually enhanced the teaching and learning experience, and simply revert to the ways we’ve always done things.’ states Principal Mrs Marise McConaghy in The Age.
Girls’ struggling with mental health issues
A new UK study reveals 40% of girls aged 14 to 21 experienced a deterioration in their mental health due to COVID-19 lockdowns. The Alliance of Girls’ Schools Australasia (AGSA) and our Head of Wellbeing, Mrs Amber Sowden talk to The Educator about what proactive steps can be taken.
What is of every record?
If history was rewritten what would it say? There are numerous discussions taking place about history and the portrayal in our society at present. Our Head of Humanities writes an interesting blog about the representation of history. One that will leave you questioning and thinking about what would you portray. #unstoppablethinking #girlsunstoppable
Award Winning Magazine
Global recognition for Strathcona’s Strathcourier magazine! Strathcona is proud and excited to announce the Strathcourier has received a silver medal from the Council for Advancement and Support Education (CASE).
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10 Tips to Support Your Child’s Well being and Keep Them Motivated During COVID-19
COVID-19 has presented huge challenges for us all, and sadly our kids aren’t immune from the stresses it’s created. Between an incredibly disrupted school year, learning from home, missing friends, and not being able to do a lot of their regular extra-curricular activities, the pandemic has been tough on kids everywhere. It’s not surprising then that their motivation and general wellbeing can fluctuate.
Fortunately, there are a number of simple things you can do help maintain your child’s wellbeing, and keep them happy, healthy and on task during this tricky time.
Girls Unstoppable Podcast
Inspiring girls and women to become unstoppable. This is what Girls Unstoppable is about. Hear topics that the younger generation of girls want to unpack – from the juggle of career and motherhood to self-care and so much more. Empowering you to overcome opposition of everyday life to become unstoppable. #girlsunstoppable
Year 9 English: how explicit teaching of metalanguage and a Reading Journal improved analytical writing
“Those of us on the inside know its special joy: the precious window of opportunity between the self-doubting, oft-misdirected energies of the junior secondary years and the aspirational anxiety of VCE. Every ancient culture knew that this is the time for initiation
into adulthood and, indeed, this is also our lived experience in the classroom.” write teachers Mrs Katrina Renard and Mrs Cathie Waldron in Idiom magazine highlighting the delight and fulfillment of teaching Year 9.
The groupwork dilemma: facilitating team challenges in the middle years during remote learning
“Over this period of remote learning in Term 2, 2020, a teaching and learning experience that none of us will ever forget, we have been asked to undergo education and all that we know in reverse, and from the end of a
virtual platform.” English Teachers Mrs Rhiannon Ward and Mrs Miranda Gazis write in Idiom.
When the journey itself is an education
“For us, it’s about what we can do as teachers -facilitating learning and helping them when challenges arise,” Director of Early Learning Centre, Mrs Jo Dowling says. “But, equally, understanding they are exceptionally capable of making decisions.
Kids want more fun in financial literacy – survey
“Teaching financial literacy in the classroom is one promising way to improve the financial capacity of young women today. Equally, we encourage our students to talk about money with their parents at home”. says Head of Careers, Mrs Joanne Buckley.
Open House Melbourne virtual tour of Tay Creggan
Take a virtual tour of the magnificent building Tay Creggan and learn about its interesting history. You can also take a tour of Tay Creggan in Minecraft or download the TC Minecraft world and explore on your own in Minecraft. Additionally, listen to the TC Envision webinar with the League of Extraordinary Women or listen to mini lessons of food technology, science or drama.
The Survival of the Arts
“The Comedy Festival has always ushered in the beginning of Autumn, and its cancellation two weeks before opening signaled something far more ominous for the arts community. At a time when Australians desperately needed to laugh, the cancellation of one of the world’s largest comedy festivals brought the impact of Covid-19 home…” writes our Director of Productions, Mrs Claire Johns.
Schools interrupted, have learnt valuable lessons
‘…we can’t waste this opportunity to analyse and discuss which systems and practices embraced during this period actually enhanced the teaching and learning experience, and simply revert to the ways we’ve always done things.’ states Principal Mrs Marise McConaghy in The Age.
Girls’ struggling with mental health issues
A new UK study reveals 40% of girls aged 14 to 21 experienced a deterioration in their mental health due to COVID-19 lockdowns. The Alliance of Girls’ Schools Australasia (AGSA) and our Head of Wellbeing, Mrs Amber Sowden talk to The Educator about what proactive steps can be taken.
What is of every record?
If history was rewritten what would it say? There are numerous discussions taking place about history and the portrayal in our society at present. Our Head of Humanities writes an interesting blog about the representation of history. One that will leave you questioning and thinking about what would you portray. #unstoppablethinking #girlsunstoppable
Award Winning Magazine
Global recognition for Strathcona’s Strathcourier magazine! Strathcona is proud and excited to announce the Strathcourier has received a silver medal from the Council for Advancement and Support Education (CASE).