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Digital technologies can add a whole new level of complexity to the already challenging task of raising children. Strathcona recognises this and wants to work in partnership with our community to create good digital citizens. As part of this, we are proud to present the film ‘Screenagers’.

Screenagers is a documentary that investigates some of the issues that families are dealing with technology. From phone use to digital addictions and gaming, it raises questions about the kind of decisions that parents face.

While you are welcome to attend the screening alone, we recommend parents attend with their children and use it as the beginning of a discussion about healthy technology use. The school will provide materials afterwards that can be used to create a family contract, an agreement about how technology should be used within your family.

This special screening of Screenagers is on Wednesday 29 August, 6:45 pm at Palace Cinemas Balwyn.

Tickets cost $22 and must be purchased prior to the event.