The art of talking on canvas

starthcona art
Imbue II is open at Strathcona's Open Night, Friday March 22 at 34 Scott St, Canterbury

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In the Media: Progress Leader, 19 March 2019, page 5

Most people couldn’t produce great art with their hands, let alone their mouths. But that’s exactly how Geoff Dossetor created this amazing painting. In 2001, Mr Dossetor’s neck was broken in a hang gliding accident in New Zealand and he was left a quadriplegic. That meant the end of his professional hang gliding career but Mr Dossetor found a passion and talent for painting. “Nothing could compare to the passion I had for flying, but the passion I have for painting would be that I like to make people happy if I can,” he said. Mr Dossetor received a scholarship from the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists in 2007.

“When I first started it was pretty tiring on my jaw, but it’s all just practice — while I can finish a painting within a day occasionally, they often take weeks to complete,” he said.

Mr Dossetor’s art will be exhibited at Strathcona Baptist Girls Grammar, where his mother and grandmother were teachers and his daughter Taylor is in Year 12.

Imbue II is open weekdays, 9am to 4pm, until March 22 at 34 Scott St, Canterbury.

Phone 8779 7500

Visit the Exhibition at Strathcona’s Open Night, Friday 22 March 2019, 4pm-7pm.